(6) Checks the payees of which are incompetent and for which payees committees or guardians of their estates have been appointed. [Circ. 5, Apr. 25, 1922] *§§ 6.1 to 6.6, inclusive, issued under the authority contained in secs. 309, 311 (f), 42 Stat. 25; 31 U.S.C. 49, 52 (f). 6.2 Checks and warrants which should be forwarded to the Comptroller General of the United States. (a) Checks of classes (1), (3), (4), and (6), as listed in § 6.1 should be forwarded directly to the Comptroller General of the United States, General Accounting Office, Washington, D. C., for the placing upon them of an authorization for the payment of their proceeds to the party entitled thereto as assets under the statutes of the State of the domicile of the deceased. (b) Warrants, checks drawn by the Treasurer of the United States upon warrants, and checks drawn by disbursing officers or agents of the United States, which can not be paid because of death of original payee, disqualification, or error in name or designation of, should be forwarded to the Comptroller General of the United States, General Accounting Office, Washington, D. C., without alteration or correction, for authorization for payment to the party ascertained to be entitled to the proceeds of the warrant or check upon its indorsement by such party in the usual manner. [Circ. 5, Apr. 25, 1922, Bull. 2, May 22, 1922] 6.3 Applications for proceeds, by whom to be made. (a) The application for classes (1), (3), and (4) checks, as listed in § 6.1, should be by the executor or administrator of the estate of the deceased, or, if none, and the amount be not over $500, by the widow of the deceased, or other person claiming the proceeds as assets under the laws of his domicile, including the undertaker in the event the funeral expenses are a preferred claim by the laws of said domicile and the bill be unpaid. (b) The application for class (6) checks, as listed in § 6.1, should be by the committee or guardian of the estate of the incompetent. (c) The party to whom the warrant or check will be authorized payable upon indorsement in the usual manner is (1) In case of death or incompetency, the one entitled thereto under the laws of the domicile of the State of the deceased, in the absence of a Federal statute of distribution applying to the particular case, or the one entitled pursuant to such Federal statute if there be one. (2) In case of error in name or designation, the payee by correct name or designation.* [Circ. 5, Apr. 25, 1922, Bull. 2, May 22, 1922] 6.4 Applications for proceeds, evidence required, and form to be used. Evidence to accompany checks forwarded to Comptroller General. (a) Checks of class (1). Class (1) checks, as listed in § 6.1, should be accompanied by a short certificate of letters testamentary or of administration, with a showing whether still in force and effect; or, if such letters have not been and will not be issued, and Page 16 *For statutory citation, see note to § 6.1. the payee died intestate, and the amount involved be not over $500, by an affidavit executed on accompanying blank. (b) Delivery to payee or representative. In addition there must be a clear showing that the check was, in fact, delivered to the payee in person, or delivered prior to the death of the payee to someone authorized to receive it for the payee, giving dates of death and of delivery, and, in case where a short interval only elapsed between the date of the death and of the delivery, the hour of death and hour of delivery. (c) Checks of classes (3) and (4). Checks of Classes (3) and (4), as listed in § 6.1, should be accompanied by the same evidence as in paragraph (a) of requirements for Class (1) checks. That required by paragraph (b) for Class (1) checks need not be furnished. (d) Checks of class (6). Class (6) checks, as listed in § 6.1, should be accompanied by a certificate of appointment of committee or guardian of estate of incompetent, with showing whether still in force and effect and that bond has been given and accepted, if one is required. [Circ. 5, Apr. 25, 1922] The evidence necessary to be furnished for authorizations for payment to parties entitled to proceeds of warrants or checks, the payees of which are deceased, incompetent, or erroneously named or designated, is as follows: (e) Deceased payees. (1) If there has been or will be administration upon the estate of the deceased payee, a short certificate of letters testamentary or of administration, if issued, with a showing whether still in force, with request for authorization for payment to the administrator or executor of the proceeds of the warrant or check. (2) If there has not been and otherwise will not be any probate action taken upon the estate of the deceased payee, and the amount be not over $500, an application by the party in interest for the proceeds of the warrant or check, showing who would be entitled to the proceeds in the event of administration under the State statutes of the domicile of the deceased, or under the Federal statute, if there be one, sworn to before an officer having a seal and authorized to administer oaths generally. (f) State statutes. If the payment is to be authorized pursuant to the statutes of a State, the applicant should state the facts necessary to establish a claim to the proceeds of the warrant or check under the statutes of said State relating to the estates of decedents, which facts, in general, are (1) Whether payee died testate or intestate. (2) Whether payee left surviving a widow or husband. (3) Whether payee left surviving a child or children, or child of a deceased child, and if any are minors whether guardian appointed, giving names and addresses of all. (4) Whether payee left surviving a father or mother, giving names and addresses. (5) Whether payee left surviving a brother or sister, or child of a deceased brother or sister, giving names and addresses." (6) Whether any one claims or has had the benefit of any exemption under the statute; if so, in what amount and in what capacity. (7) Whether funeral expenses of deceased payee have been paid; if so, by whom and out of what funds; whether funds of deceased or of payer, submitting receipted bill of undertaker to party making such payment. (8) Whether the expenses of last illness, other preferred claims, and debts of deceased payee have been paid. (9) Whether deceased payee left other assets, and, if so, amount and character thereof. (g) Federal statutes. If the payment is to be authorized pursuant to a Federal statute, the application should be by the party entitled to the proceeds in the order named in the statute and accompanied by the evidence the statute requires for the establishment of a claim thereunder, the terms of the statute being strictly complied with. (h) Blanks. Blanks for the applications for authorizations without administration, mentioned in paragraph (e) of this section, "Deceased Payees", may be obtained from this office. (i) Incompetent payees. A short certificate showing the appointment and qualification of a guardian or committee of the estate of the incompetent payee; whether bond, if required, has been given, and whether appointment is still in force. (j) Erroneously named or designated payees. Such evidence as will satisfactorily establish the correct name or designation of the payee for the purposes of the payment as differentiated from the alleged erroneous one appearing on the face of the warrant or check. [Bull. 2, May 22, 1922] 3 (k) Public creditors of the United States. Standard Form 1055 will be used for making claim for payment of unpaid checks or warrants drawn to the order of Government creditors as payees, but which can not be paid because of their death or incompetency. This requirement applies not only to checks drawn by disbursing officers by whatever title known, but by the Treasurer of the United States based on warrants, and to pension, civil service retirement and all other classes of Government checks drawn on the Treasurer of the United States or other authorized Government depository, except checks drawn on local banks by postmasters under authority of R.S. 3847 (39 U.S.C. 47) and interest checks on the public debt.* [Circ. 5, Apr. 25, 1922; Bull. 2, May 22, 1922; sec. 3, Regs. 42, Supp. 1, Feb. 23, 1928] 6.5 Checks which should be forwarded to Chief Disbursing Officer, Treasury Department. (a) Class (2) checks, as listed in § 6.1, should be forwarded to the Chief Disbursing Officer, Treasury Department, Washington, D. C., for cancelation, and application should be made to the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs, Washington, D. C., for payment of their proceeds, or that part accruing to the pensioner from date of last payment to date of death, (1) to his widow, (2) to the pensioner's child or children under sixteen years of age (except in the case of a dependent relative pensioner), or (3) 8 See form of application in § 5.1 of this title. Page 18 *For statutory citation, see note to § 6.1. to reimburse the person who bore the expenses of the pensioner's last sickness and burial where the estate left by the decedent was insufficient to pay such expenses. (b) Class (5) checks, as listed in § 6.1, should be forwarded to the Chief Disbursing Officer, Treasury Department, for cancelation.* [Circ. 5, Apr. 25, 1922] CROSS REFERENCE: For accrued amounts unpaid at pensioner's death, see Pensions, Bonuses, and Veterans' Relief, 38 CFR 5.2660-5.2666. 6.6 Nonapplicability of Bulletin No. 2, 1922 to interest checks, powers of attorney, and certificates of authority to indorse warrants or checks. The instructions in §§ 6.2 (b), 6.3 (c), and 6.4 (e)(j), do not apply to interest checks on the public debt, nor to powers of attorney to indorse warrants or checks, certificates of authority to officers of corporations to indorse on their behalf, affidavits of copartnership, or other evidence of authority to indorse on behalf of corporations, firms, or individuals.* [Bull. 2, May 22, 1922] Sec. PART 7-TRANSPORTATION REQUESTS; IDENTIFICATION OF TRAVELER 7.1 Standard forms. Sec. transportation request 7.3 Carriers' publicity of traveler's identification requirements. 7.2 Issuance of transportation requests by traveler; carrier's identification of traveler, etc. Section 7.1 Standard transportation request forms. The following standard forms of Government request for transportation are hereby prescribed and published for general use throughout the Government service, effective December 1, 1925, in lieu of standard transportation forms 1, 2, 3 and 4 prescribed by Treasury Department Circular No. 49, June 19, 1915: Form 1028, Cover of transportation book (front, outside and inside, and back, outside). Form 1029, Tabulation sheet (insert). Form 1030, Transportation request (original). Form 1031, Transportation request (memorandum). (Secs. 309, 311 (f), 42 Stat. 25; 31 U.S.C. 49, 52 (f)) [Sec. 1, Regs. 46, Oct. 16, 1925] 7.2 Issuance of transportation requests by traveler; carrier's identification of traveler, etc. When transportation requests, issued in blank to a traveler, are used by him to obtain transportation, he will sign them as issuing officer. When a traveler signs a request both as issuing officer and traveler, the carrier will require him to exhibit the book from which the request was taken, in order to ascertain the name of the person to whom such book was issued, and will then require him to establish his identity, by an official card provided for the purpose, as the person to whom such book was issued. Such official card should show the name (including surname) and title of the traveler, and date of issue; should indicate generally the traveler's duties sufficiently to demonstrate the authority for the transportation and incidental services requested; should be signed *For statutory citation, see note to § 6.1. Page 19 at time of issue by the administrative officer having immediate supervision over the duties of the traveler and by the head of the department or independent establishment concerned, or bureau or service thereof, or someone duly authorized to sign for them; and should be countersigned by the traveler. In order that there may be uniformity in practice and form in connection with the identification of a traveler by the agent of a carrier to whom a transportation request signed by the traveler both as issuing officer and traveler is presented for the purpose of securing transportation, there is hereby prescribed and published for general use throughout the Government service, effective July 1, 1926, Standard Form 1033, United States Government transportation identification card.⭑ The identification card must be filled out at the time of its issue to the traveler by the administrative officer having immediate supervision over his duties, whose duty it is to issue to him the book or books of transportation requests in blank for his use, and it must be signed by said issuing officer. The signature of the issuing officer on the card and on Standard Form 1029 must agree, and this fact should be observed by the carrier as part of the evidence of the right of the traveler to negotiate the transportation request presented, in addition to comparison of the traveler's signature on the transportation request with his signature on the identification card. The card must also be signed, in his own bona fide handwriting, by the head of the department or establishment, or bureau or service concerned, or by someone authorized to sign for him. The size of the card will be 211⁄2" x 44"; color, light blue. The standard form of identification card will be used exclusively for the purpose of identifying a traveler as herein required, and carriers will not accept any other form of identification except in an emergency and then only when the traveler is able to satisfactorily explain his inability to furnish an identification card on the standard form and is able by other official means to sufficiently establish his identity. (Secs. 309, 311 (f), 42 Stat. 25; 31 U.S.C. 49, 52 (f)) [Secs. 5, 6, Regs. 46, Oct. 26, 1925, secs. 2, 3, 5, Regs. 46, Supp. 1, May 6, 1926] 'Form of identification card. (Signature of traveler) NO. U. S. GOVERNMENT TRANSPORTATION THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT (Name of traveler) -, 19 WHO HAS SIGNED HIS NAME IN THE MARGIN HEREOF IS AN EMPLOYEE OF THE ENGAGED ON (Department or Establishment and Bureau or Service) (State briefly official duties) AND IS AUTHORIZED TO NEGOTIATE GOVERNMENT TRANSPORTATION REQUESTS (Signature and title of issuing officer) (Signature and title of head of Department or Establishment, or Bureau or Service) Standard Form No. 1033. Form approved by Comptroller General U. S., May 6, 1926. GPO 10-1726 Page 20 |