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Line 4, delete: "and their support in Alaska".

Line 4, delete: "twenty-nine (of which twenty shall be for replacement only)". Following the word "exceed", insert: "twenty for replacement only".

The purpose of this change is to provide for the purchase of 20 new passenger vehicles for replacements in the existing fleet. No additions to the fleet are required.

I. Developments in 1960

Population. Both the average population (22,604) and the year end population (23,467) for fiscal year 1960 were the highest in the history of the Bureau. The average population exceeded 1959 by 713. It exceeded the budget estimate by 304. Commitments from the courts showed substantial gains in narcotics (18.3%) and forgery (10.3%), and modest declines in auto theft (2.0%), and liquor law violations (3.2%). Total commitments from the court were up 1.8 percent (exclusive of military).

The number of prisoners released on parole was up 231, an increase of 5.5 percent.

Increasing numbers of parole and mandatory release violators were recommitted.

Institutions and facilities.—The Lompoc Correctional Institution and the Sandstone Correctional Institution had rapid population increases. By December 1960 they had over 1,600 population. This provided some relief for overcrowding in a number of institutions.

The major portion of construction at Safford Camp was completed and inmate crews began their work on the new road over Mount Graham.

Extension of utility lines and site grading is underway at Marion, Ill. The general construction contract for the maximum security institution was advertised in September 1960. The initial bids were unsatisfactory and the project has been readvertised.

All Bureau institutions in Alaska except the Anchorage Jail and the Elmendorf Prison Camp were turned over to the State. The number of Federal prisoners in Alaska has declined to 30 (December) and may decline further. The jail and camp are being operated primarily for the benefit of and at the expense of the State of Alaska. Population statistics no longer include Federal and State prisoners in Alaska.

The new farm dormitories were completed and opened at Terre Haute and Leavenworth. The new kitchen and dining hall at Petersburg is also in operation. The population capacity of Bureau institutions now stands at 21,384 with space for 600 under construction.

Program and administration.-The Director and Bureau staff have participated in several sentencing institutes arranged by the judiciary under authority of Public Law 85-752. The impact of these meetings is reflected in additional use by the courts of Bureau of Prisons diagnostic facilities for presentence recommendations.

No major disturbances occurred during the year due to the diligent efforts and constant alertness of institution staffs.

As a part of the Bureau's continuous training program interinstitution conferences were held for personnel from the classification and parole, employmentplacement, education and vocational training, culinary, farm, and administrative staffs.

Allotment procedures and cost accounts were greatly simplified to eliminate unnecessary work and improve utilization of funds.

The variety and complexity of farm reports is being reduced.

A major study on staff housing was completed and forwarded to the Bureau of the Budget and the Congress. The first new staff housing in several years was completed at Milan, La Tuna, and Springfield. Apartment units are under construction at Alderson and Terminal Island.

The Records Management Branch of the General Services Administration assisted the Bureau in development and installation of a plan to eliminate more than 75 percent of the jail record cards received by the Bureau.


The 1962 estimates include fund and staff increases commensurate with recent and prospective population increases. The estimated 1962 population increase is

900 or 4 percent. The 143 additional positions and the additional funds requested are increases of 3 percent over the comparable fiscal year 1961 figures. The Bureau of Prisons' overall per capita annual cost of confining a prisoner is estimated to be $1,946 in 1961 and $1,940 in 1962.

Within the limitations of the requested funds it will be possible

(a) To care for an average of 24,000 prisoners, an increase of 900 over the 23,100 budgeted for 1961. (Note: A supplemental is being requested to provide for a population increase of 400 in 1961.)

(b) To maintain an adequate level of custodial coverage in areas which are currently undermanned.

(c) For caseworkers to make greater contributions to a continuous individualized treatment program.

(d) To strengthen reviews of the effectiveness of Bureau and institution programs.

(e) To handle increases in operating costs attributable to previous wage board and price increases and higher population.

II. Salaries and expenses—Table of increases, additional personnel costs

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Deduct savings from 1 less compensable day in 1962---

Net increase__.

130,000 78, 000

1, 709, 000 104, 000

1,605, 000


50 Custodial officers, GS-6 ($265,000)

To maintain the custodial force at a level proportionate to the increased population and more difficult character of the offenders, 50 additional custodial officers or a 2-percent increase are requested. The coverage provided in inmate quarters and in the supervision of work details is not now adequate. For example, several dormitories housing impetuous, unpredictable, youthful offenders have no officers in the building at night. In the larger penitentiaries one officer often supervises 600 inmates in cells and 200 in dormitories simultaneously during the night. The result has been an increase in the incidents of assaults on prisoners, trafficking in contraband, and destruction of government property which are directly traceable to lack of adequate supervision.

Also work details are now heavily overloaded because not enough officers are available to supervise additional work details. This sharply increases the custodial risk since a single officer can keep only a limited number of inmates under surveillance. When details are overloaded it usually means that very little training can be accomplished since part of the detail simply stands by and watches, rather than actually doing the work.

The custodial force has been almost static in size despite the growth in population. Since 1956 the number of officers has grown only 4 percent (largely due to the opening of new institutions) while the number of inmates has grown 12 percent.

34 Classification and parole officers, 12 GS-10, 11 GS-9, 11 GS-7 ($231,000) As the number of inmates has increased and requests for reports and recommendations from the courts and Parole Board have grown the caseloads of our classification and parole officers have exceeded their capacity to meet the workload. Each officer now has a caseload as shown in the following table.

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Moreover the numbers of classification and parole officers employed have never been adequate to do a thorough job of working with inmates. In recent years the growth in population and the increasingly difficult types of inmates received have widened the gap between what should be and what is being done. The area which suffers most is that of individual counseling. Because of the press of other work the officer often loses contact with the inmate after his initial interviews. There is little check on individual progress except when parole hearings require preparation of a report or if an inmate gets into trouble; and consequently the inmate often loses an original enthusiasm for trying to do things differently.

The proposed 34 additional officers will make it possible for the officers to carry out their responsibilities in a more satisfactory manner. The 22 GS-7 and GS-9 level positions will be allocated first to the juvenile and youth institutions and reformatories where the greatest need exists. Even with the requested staff the classification and parole officer in these types of institutions will be able to spend an average of only 30-45 minutes per month in working individually with each inmate.

The twelve GS-10 positions are working supervisors. The fiscal year 1960 budget authorized the creation of such positions at a small number of institutions. This experiment has been highly successful in improving the caliber of work. Supervisors handle a number of the more difficult cases where special counseling skills or community contacts are required. In addition they provide direction, review, and consultation to the journeyman classification and parole officer. It is proposed to establish these positions at all institutions having more than 500 average population.

32 clerk-stenographers (Records Office) GS-4 ($139,000)

For several years we have been attempting to protect the information in our case files from the inmates who are presently employed in our record offices. Many embarrassing incidents have occurred. This has led some judges to refuse to supply us with necessary information because they feel its confidentiality cannot be protected. Two years ago four civilian personnel replaced record office inmates at Atlanta. This has worked very well and we would like to extend this system. The 32 requested positions will meet the need at all penitentiaries, the larger reformatories and the Medical Center.

Eight educational personnel GS-9 ($55,000)

Growth in population at many institutions together with larger numbers of youthful offenders require expanded educational programs. A large proportion of inmates at both youth and adult institutions have educational achievement levels of less than six grades when they enter prison. Every effort is made to raise these inmate's scholastic achievement level. In many cases this leads to a high-school diploma. In addition many technical and academic courses are offered which will help inmates to hold a job in the future. An active library program, in addition to being part of a well rounded educational effort, reaches many inmates who do not attend regular classes.

The requested increase will bring the programs at Atlanta, Terre Haute, Petersburg, Ashland, Alderson, Lompoc, and Terminal Island to an adequate level. It will also provide long needed help at Alcatraz where the chief of classification and parole has been handling educational programs in addition to his regular duties.

Two recreation officers GS-9 ($14,000)

An active recreation program is especially important at the reformatories which house the difficult youthful offenders. Often exercise and sports can help the inmate to work off hostilities which might otherwise be vented on other inmates or staff members. On the other hand, sporting events can, unless supervised closely, quickly turn into power struggles and gang fights. The key to a workable recreation program is trained leadership, a diversified program appealing to all types of individuals, activities during all seasons, and constant supervision. The two requested positions will be used at Lompoc and El Reno, both of which house over 1,000 inmates between the ages of 18 and 30. Each institution presently has only one recreational officer, which sharply limits the number of inmates who can participate in the programs.

Eight mechanical personnel (WB-06) ($65,000)

The proper maintenance of an aging physical plant requires additional mechanical personnel. Five of the requested positions (two electricians and three plumbers) will be assigned to five of our oldest institutions (Alcatraz, Leavenworth, McNeil, Lewisburg, and the National Training School). In each of these institutions major utility repairs or replacements are necessary.

An additional operating engineer is requested for Texarkana. This position will permit around-the-clock supervision of the powerhouse. Expensive and dangerous equipment now goes unattended by engineers during a portion of each day. This could easily lead to serious damage of plant and equipment.

A carpenter position is requested for the youth institution at Englewood. The institution now must depend on the part-time services of a vocational teacher and a custodial officer to accomplish this type of work. This forces the institution to either interfere with the inmate training program or to have the job supervised by an untrained man. An automobile mechanic is required for similar reasons at El Reno.


Chaplaincy program $16,000: one supervising chaplain GS-13 ($16,000); one secretary GS-5

Although there are 41 full-time chaplain positions, and a number of part-time chaplains, the Bureau of Prisons has never had a supervising chaplain. A supervising chaplain could (a) aid in the training of new chaplains, (b) insure that religious programs are given adequate consideration at the Bureau level, and (c) stimulate cooperation and exchange of information among chaplains throughout the service.

A secretary should be provided for the supervising chaplain.

One correctional program officer GS-13 ($11,000)

This position will be used to promote the uniform application of Bureau classification and treatment policies throughout the service. It will facilitate (a) expansion of field inspections to determine how policies are being applied; (b) review of institution recommendations on cases sentenced under section 4208(b); (c) the development of additional written program guides; and (d) increased exchange among institutions of valuable practices and techniques which have been developed at the local level.

Operations improvement staff ($43,000): one operations improvement officer G8-13; one operations improvement officer G8-12; two operations improvement officer GS-7; two secretaries GS-5

In its 30 years of existence the Bureau of Prisons has made much progress in the development of rehabilitation programs and techniques. Activities such as education, vocational training, group therapy, casework and recreation have been established and won widespread recognition as valuable supplements to such well established programs as religion, work, and discipline.

However, in all these years, the Bureau has never had a staff which could devote its time to appraising the strengths and weaknesses of these old and

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