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posed of either through returns of property to nonenemy owners, transfers to the Treasury Department under Public Law 285 or otherwise.

In conclusion, Mr. Chairman, I can only reiterate what has been said before. If an adequate staff of capable and experienced personnel is not maintained the result will be not only neglect of the Government's interest in many important matters but also a prolongation of the administration of alien property beyond a reasonable number of years. I recommend to you that these consequences be avoided.

I might add, Mr. Chairman and members of the committee, that these funds are transferred to the war claims fund from which American war damage claimants obtain their only relief. These funds are treated as reparations, the only reparations that the U.S. Government received from Germany and Japan as a result of World War II. It is the only source of relief to Americans who suffered damage as a result of that war. Thank you.


Mr. ROONEY. It would appear from a hasty runthrough of these sheets in the justifications that the business of the Office has gone down tremendously over the last few years. How many employees did you have in 1960? Eighty-four? I am looking at page 30 of the budget summary, number of employees at end of year, 84.

Mr. ANDRETTA. That is the end of the year.

Mr. ROONEY. If this budget were approved, you would have 46 employees.

Mr. BROWN. On the average?

Mr. ROONEY. These figures are all comparable. You would have 46 in the coming year, 50 in the present year, and you had 84 in 1960. How many did you have in 1959?

Mr. BROWN. Approximately 190.

Mr. ROONEY. And in 1958?

Mr. BROWN. I do not have that figure. It was higher than that, I know.

Mr. ROONEY. Please insert at this point in the record the number of employees at the end of fiscal year 1958.

(The information requested follows:)

At the end of fiscal 1958 there were 335 employees on the staff of the Office of Allen Property.


Mr. ROONEY. When was this $690,000 budget prepared?

Mr. MYRON. I believe it was prepared last October or thereabouts. Mr. ROONEY. And submitted to Attorney General Rogers at that time?

Mr. MYRON. I believe so. Mr. Andretta can answer these questions. Mr. ANDRETTA. We get our preliminary estimates about in June. Then the review committee in the Department goes over them.

Mr. ROONEY. This budget, then, was presented to the Office of the Attorney General in June, you say, of last year?


Mr. ROONEY. What was the amount of the request at that time? Mr. ANDRETTA. The same thing.

Mr. ROONEY. $690,000?


Mr. ROONEY. What was the amount requested of the Bureau of the Budget?

Mr. ANDRETTA. The same thing.


Mr. ROONEY. You feel that $690,000 is plenty of money, do you, Mr. Andretta?

Mr. ANDRETTA. No, sir; I do not. I think we have cut this thing too deeply. In other words, our plans in anticipation of its liquidation and the ideas of what it would get down to ran away ahead of the actualities and realities of the situation. In other words, in anticipation of getting this Office down, we expected certain things to happen, but court actions have just tripped us up on them.

Mr. ROONEY. I guess they could use at least $50,000 more, don't you think, Mr. Andretta, and we could do that by way of canceling the transfer that went to your Office from this last year? You got $50,000 of their money last year, did you not?

Mr. ANDRETTA. Yes, sir; that is right. I might say in the changing of this Office we took over the whole administrative burden of the operation.

Mr. ROONEY. Under the present setup, how much would you take out of this $690,000?

Mr. ANDRETTA. $50,000. Mr. Chairman, I might say I understand an increase of the limitation for fiscal year 1961 has been approved by the Budget Bureau for $75,000. That is coming over to Congress shortly. Carrying that forward, it means this appropriation would be at least $50,000 short.

Mr. MYRON. As I understand it, a supplemental appropriation for this year has received the approval of the Budget Bureau and is to be sent to the Congress.


Mr. MYRON. That still would not take care of the needs of the Office for the coming fiscal year.

Mr. ANDRETTA. No. That is what I just said. This is apparently $50,000 short.

Mr. MYRON. That is right, over and above the $50,000 requested for transfer to your division.

Mr. ROONEY. Mr. Marshall?


Mr. MARSHALL. What year was the Office of Alien Property created?

Mr. MYRON. The Office of Alien Property Custodian was created in April 1942, and became the Office of Alien Property in the Department of Justice in 1946. The Custodian's Office was abolished, and the former Custodian's Office was merged into and became a part of the Justice Department at that time.

Mr. MARSHALL. When do you anticipate that the work of this Office will be completed?

Mr. MYRON. That will depend entirely on the number of people that we have working on the various programs that are now reaching their peak. Many of these programs will continue indefinitely. The claims program, if it is handled by an adequate staff could be completed within, I would say, 2 years. I am talking now about administrative claims, not litigation proceedings or suits in the courts. We have no control over the cases that are in the courts. Those might continue on even after the Office as presently constituted could close.

Mr. MARSHALL. Thank you.

Mr. ROONEY. Thank you, Mr. Myron and Mr. Jaffe.
Mr. MYRON. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.


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Mr. ROONEY. The next item is entitled, "Salaries and expenses, U.S. attorneys and marshals," which begins at page 96 of the committee print. The details with regard thereto are to be found under tab 21 of the justifications in book 1, to which we shall now return.

We shall at this point insert in the record pages 21-1 through 21-4 of these justifications.

(The pages referred to follow :)

Salaries and expenses, attorneys and marshals

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Analysis of litigative funds included in appropriation, salaries and expenses, U.S. attorneys and marshals

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The Government is represented in each of the 91 judicial districts by a U.S. attorney and a U.S. marshal. The U.S. attorney is responsible for the Government's legal interests in his district. The marshal has custody of all Federal offenders until released by the courts or confined in prison. He also acts as agent of the court in the service of process.

The following table shows actual and estimated workloads:

[blocks in formation]

The Department is requesting $25,715,000 to meet the requirements of the U.S. attorneys and marshals offices for the 1962 fiscal year, a total increase over the amount available for 1961 of $1,132,000 divided as follows: $670,000 for U.S. attorneys; $462,000 for marshals.

A reserve fund of $500,000 is included in the above estimate: $200,000 for attorneys and $300,000 for marshals. This fund would be used to meet unforeseen increases in the uncontrollable cost of litigation such as: attorneys and marshals travel, transporting prisoners, guard hire, printing of briefs and records, and court reporting services.

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