Itemization of expenditures and unliquidated obligations for special expert services, 1960 fiscal year as of Mar. 6, 1961—Continued $39, 132. 34 Jablow, Joseph__ 657. 84 James, Harry C------ 215. 20 200.00 Jenkins, Jr., I. Sidney. Jensen, Clarence G. Johnson, Albert L------- Jones, J. W. Kaveler, Herman H__ Name McDonald, Floyd L....... McDonald, T. H.... McDonogh, J. Edward----McElwaine, Robert B.McGinnis, Perry T----20.00 McGrath, Jr., Patrick___ 1,050.00 McGuire, E. H__. 800.00 McGuire, T. R--6, 800.00 McKenney, Ralph. 4, 519. 30 McKey, Robert M. 400.00 McKinnon, C. W.. 210.00 McLean, Russell L---. 975.00 McLeod, Charles A--350.00 McMullen, John F. 200.00 McNulty, John P. 5,000.00 Mack, Curt C----5, 148. 52 Magoon, Albert E. 1, 175.00 Mahoney, David C--100.00 Malm, William E.. 1,500.00 Mann, Arthur E. 20.00 Marcum, Vincent L__. 100.00 Marshall, Joe C‒‒‒‒‒‒ 150.00 Mattingly, Charles P. 200.00 Mauney, Andrew J.-2, 147. 60 Mayhow, E. J---918. 98 Maynard, Robert_200.00 Meadows, Guy M. Amount paid $1,100.00 450.00 200.00 1,833. 03 852.40 60.00 350.00 200.00 20.00 1, 350.00 1,000.00 1,100.00 2,900.00 850.00 200.00 7,696. 18 150.00 250.00 775.00 1, 000. 00 2,500.00 4,725.00 800.00 495. 65 1, 947. 37 100.00 750.00 Itemization of expenditures and unliquidated obligations for special expert services, 1960 fiscal year as of Mar. 6, 1961—Continued Name EXPENDITURES continued $5,950.00 Riley's Murphy, John F.. Newman, James A.. Nicholson, John C.. Nisley, Jr., Frank Nordstrom, Walter. Peck, Will I__ Porter, John E.. Amount paid Name Amount paid $74.76 Powell, John A.......... 2,000.00 Shurts, Arthur V. Power, H. H... Prakel, Fred D. Presley, Verne.... Press, Frank P. Price, Sidney L... Prince, Harry M.. Quigley, James.. Randall, Roland R. Redwine, Owen C.. Reed, Stephen L.. Reenstierna, T. H Reeve, Frank D.. Register, J. Alvin. Reid, Bill G____. Reilly, John J... Remington, Roy-. Rhoades, Roger_. 557.00 Sidwell, Carroll V. 1,350.00 Small Business Adminis100.00 tration__ 20.00 Smigle, Francis C---366. 36 Smith, David H.--. 625.00 Smith, III, Joseph R.. 730.00 Smith, Kirby C--2,700.00 Smith, Levie D. 225.00 Smith, William N. 500.00 Somar, Leo J---Sortor, Charles H. Sparks, Claude E.. 150.00 5, 993. 00 3, 300.00 9,500.00 2,691. 40 274.00 12, 924. 04 4,000.00 80.00 20.00 1, 538.58 150.00 1,670. 65 782.80 40.00 675.00 1,200.00 90.00 1,875.00 5, 300.00 757.59 550.00 300.00 3, 355. 34 300.00 300.00 409.76 500.00 1, 850.00 525.00 Itemization of expenditures and unliquidated obligations for special expert services, 1960 fiscal year as of Mar. 6, 1961-Continued Name Stradley, Eva__ Strand, Duane R__. Thielbahr, William M.. EXPENDITURES Amount paid continued Name Amount paid 1,350.00 100.00 15, 985.00 Wilkerson, Jr., John C.. 560.00 Wille, Clarence A.. 100.00 Williams, Henry G---800.00 Wilson, Robert B---361. 65 Wilson, Robert J____ 800.00 Wineland, Lloyd G---225.00 Winn, T. N.. 50.00 Winter, William S.. 600.00 Wirth, Robert B.. 1, 325.00 Wisser, Edward_ 134. 28 Witkowsky, Jack. 650.00 Woltz, Seth P. 5, 355.00 Wood, Franklin H 300.00 Woodson, Charles E---30.00 Wright, Lewis---4,250.00 Yarmala, Joseph A---. 274. 62 Young, Jr., T. Roy900. 00 Zick, Walter P- 90.00 50.00 62.60 1,200.00 697.88 40.00 1, 160.00 1, 857. 20 200.00 2,270.00 300.00 850.00 200.00 30.00 150. 00 100.00 25.00 700.00 Total expenditures-- 825, 173. 95 UNLIQUIDATED OBLIGATIONS Unliquidated Name obligation $125.00 Miller, C. Marc-. 75.00 Mumford, Russell E_ 450.00 Murray, William G--. 2,000.00 Myers, Smithmoore P_ 5,000.00 Pollock, Maurice___ 4,000.00 Potts, Bud___ 300.00 Sparks, Claude E. 250.00 Stahr, R. Dean__. 212. 52 Stam, Henry N. 750.00 Strong, Duncan_ 200.00 Turner, K. D.. 495. 82 Wallace, Ernest_ 2,500.00 Wendland, Edwin G.. 90,000.00 White, Cedric A....... 222.30 Winter, William S.. 45, 800.00 1, 442. 54 250.00 300.00 Total unliquidated Unliquidated obligation $71, 666. 67 550.00 70, 000. 00 196.50 200.00 150.00 50.00 5,000.00 750.00 100.00 200.00 297.50 1,500.00 900.00 6, 150.00 4,800.00 obligations---- -- 317, 340. 05 Grand total‒‒‒‒‒‒‒ 1, 142, 514. 00 'Special master appointed by the court. LAND COMMISSIONERS Mr. Bow. Last year we put the commissioners in. Do you want to put them in at this point in the record? Mr. ROONEY. Was that at this point? Mr. Bow. It was at this point in the record last year. Mr. ROONEY. It might be well if there were also inserted at this point in the record a schedule showing the same general information relative to land commissioners by districts, U.S. attorneys, fiscal year 1960. (The information referred to follows:) |