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New Testament. The twentieth century New Testament. Pt. 1, consisting of the five historical books. N. Y. and Chic., Fleming H. Revell Co., 1899. 254 p. 16°, flex. cl., net, 50 c.

Bible. New Testament. The four gospels: a new translation; from the Greek text direct; with reference to the Vulgate and the ancient Syriac version, by Rev. Francis Aloysius Spencer; preface by James, Cardinal Gibbons. N. Y., W: H. Young & Co., 1898. c. 10+280 p. il. D. cl., $1.50.

In preparing this version of the Gospels it has been the translator's aim throughout to make use of idio

matic English as far as the character of the New Testament and the style of the original text permit. He has endeavored to represent our Lord and the Apostles, as speaking not in an antique style, but in the language they would speak if they lived among us now. Contains a harmony of the three synoptic Gospels, with marginal notes and references. *Bible. New Testament. An Arabic version of the Acts of the Apostles and the seven Catholic epistles; from an eighth or ninth century ms. in the Convent of St. Catharine on Mount Sinai; with a treatise on the triune nature of God and translation from the same codex; ed. by Margaret Dunlop Gibson. N. Y.. The Macmillan Co., 1899. 8°, (Studia Sinaitica, no. 7.) pap., net, $3.50. *Bible. New Testament. Cambridge Greek Testament for schools; J. Armitage Robinson, D.D., ed. of New Testament. The pastoral epistles; with introd. and notes by J. H. Bernard, D.D. N. Y., The Macmillan Co., 1899. 78+192 p. 16°, cl., net, 90 c.

*Bible. New Testament. The general epistles of SS. James, Peter, John, and Jude; with notes, critical and practical, by Rev. M. F. Sadler. New cheaper ed. N. Y., The Macmillan Co., 1899. 39+305 p. 12°, cl., $1.50.

*Bible. New Testament. The First Epistle to the Thessalonians; analysis and notes by Rev. G. W. Garrod. N. Y., The Macmillan Co., 1899. 6+164 p. 12°, cl., net, 80 c. *Bible. New Testament. The Epistles of St. Paul to Titus, Philemon, and the Hebrews; with notes, critical and practical, by Rev. M. F. Sadler. New cheaper ed. Ň. Y., The Macmillan Co., 1899. 29+275 p. 12°, cl., $1.50.

#Bible. New Testament. The Revelation of St. John the Divine; with notes critical and practical, by Rev. M. F. Sadler. New cheaper ed. N. Y., The Macmillan Co., 1899. 22+298 p. 12°, cl., $1.50.

*Bible. New Testament. The great discourse of Jesus the Christ, the Son of God: a topical arrangement and analysis of all his words recorded in the New Testament; separated from the context, by A layman. 9th ed. enl. and rev. N. Y. and Chic., Fleming H. Revell Co., 1899. 380 p. 12°, cl., $1.25.

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*Bible stories series. N. Y. and Chic., Fleming H. Revell Co., 1899. 6 v., ea. about 120 p. il. 12°, cl., per set, $2.

Contents: The good shepherd; The life of David: The prodigal son and other stories; The children of the Bible; Early Bible history; and Stories of Palestine. Bickerdyke, J: Angling for coarse fish: a practical work on fishing for roach, perch, barbel, chub, dace, carp, eels, etc., etc., according to the methods in use on the Thames, Trent, Norfolk, Broads, and elsewhere. N. Y., imported by C: Scribner's Sons, 1899. 134 p. il. 12°, cl., 40 c.

Bickerdyke, J: The passing of Prince Rozan: a romance of the sea. N. Y., G: P. Putnam's Sons, 1899. c. 5+286 p. D. cl., $1.

The incidents are similar to those brought out in the recent Hooley investigations in England, where impecunious peers were paid huge checks for the use of their names as bait in companies of dishonest intent Prince Rozan is the capitalist of these schemes; he lives in London in magnificent style and has a beautiful daughter. He finds himself on the verge of discovery, and invites a number of people, several of whom nave it in their power to testify against him, to a yacht voyage to the Arctic seas. One of the men is a barrister, who tells the story. It is he who discovers Rozan's intention to make away with the whole party. From here on is a series of thrilling adventures, in which Rozan's mysterious personality is unfolded. Bicknell, E: The territorial acquisitions of the United States: an historical review. Bost., Small, Maynard & Co., 1899. c. 11 +110 p. S. bds., 50 c.

Gives concisely the details of our acquisition of the Northwestern Territory, 1787, Louisiana, 1802; Florida, 1819; Oregon, 1846; Texas, 1845; the Mexican sessions, 1848, 1853; Alaska, 1867; Hawaii, 1898; Puerto Rico, Philippines, etc.

*Bie, Oscar. History of the pianoforte and pianoforte players; tr. and rev. from the German by E. E. Kellett and E. W. Naylor. N. Y., E. P. Dutton & Co., 1899. 348 p. pors. facsimiles, il. 8°, cl., $6.

*Bie, Oscar. History of the pianoforte and pianoforte players; tr. and rev. from the German by E. E. Kelbett and E. W. Naylor. N. Y., imported by C: Scribner's Sons, 1899. 536 p. por. il. facsimiles, 4°, cl., $6. Biederwolf, Rev. W. E. History of the One hundred and sixty-first Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry. Logansport, Ind., Wilson, Humphreys & Co.. [for sale by W. E. Biederwolf,] [1899.] c. 6-450 p. pors. O. cl., $2; hf. leath., $2.50. Bigelow, J:, jr. Reminiscences of the Santiago campaign. N. Y., Harper, 1899. c. 6+187 p. map, D. cl., $1.25.

The author is already well known in army circles as the author of the "Principles of strategy," a valuable book on military tactics. His description and criti cism of the manner of conducting the Santiago campaign is therefore authoritative As he says, the book is simply "a narration of what an officer participating in that campaign saw, felt, and thought, with such explanations and suggestions as his observations and reflections prompted." Captain Bigelow writes modestly throughout, and has much to say of the work of the regulars in general and the colored troops in par ticular. He describes the battle in which he was engaged and the picturesque incidents which came under his observation with dramatic force. Formerly published by A. D. F. Randolph & Co. last chapter will be considered the most important *Bible. New Testament. Our Lord's illus-chapter, because it is a careful discussion of the whole trations: the metaphors, emblems, inci- military question as concerned with the United States. dents, and allusions employed by our Lord Bigg, C:, D.D. Unity in diversity: five adto illustrate his teaching; classified and ex- dresses delivered in the Cathedral Church plained by Rev. R. R. Resker. N. Y., of Christ, Oxford, during Lent, 1899; with imported by C: Scribner's Sons, 1899. 136 p. introd. N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co., 32°, (Bible class primers.) cl., net, 20 c. 1899. 3+103 p. D. cl., 80 c.



Biggar, E. B. The Boer war: its causes and its interest to Canadians; with a glossary of Cape Dutch and Kaffir terms. Toronto, Can., Biggar, Samuel & Co., 1899. c. 38 p. O. pap., 10 c.

From an English standpoint.

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ed. Phil., Kay & Bro., 1899.
742 p. O. shp., $5.

C. 111+

Black, Alex. Captain Kodak : a camera story. Bost., Lothrop Pub. Co., [1899.] c. 7-288 p. il. O. cl., $2.

The story of an amateur photograper and his chums; of a boy's adventures in the company of his camera; of a camera club and the old and young brought tocommon interest; of journeyings in search of the picturesque; of problems, struggles, and surprises.

Binet, Alfred. The psychology of reasoning:
based on experimental researches in hypnot-gether by the influence of a
ism; from the 2d French ed.; by Adam
Gowans Whyte. Chic., The Open Court
Pub. Co., 1899. c. 5+191 p. D. cl., 75 c.
This work was published in 1886, and is looked upon
as authoritative.

Bingham, Jennie M. The life of the seventh
Earl of Shaftesbury, K.G. Cin., O., Curts
& Jennings, 1899. c. 289 p. D. cl., 90 c.
Anthony Ashley Cooper, the seventh Earl of Shaftes
bury, was b. 1801; d. 1885. During his fifteen years'
service in the House of Commons, and his many years
afterward as a peer of England, he was the mover in
all the great reforms brought about in England for
the working people and the poor of the last fifty years
of his life. 'He abolished child slavery in English
mines and collieries, shortened the hours of labor in
the factories, abolished the abuses of the insane
asylums, put an end to the cruel treatment of the
little chimney sweeps, established the ragged schools,
and made a long crusade against the East Indian
opium trade with China, etc., etc.

*Binns, W. An elementary treatise on or-
thographic projection: being a new method
of teaching the science of mechanical and
engineering drawing. 13th ed. N. Y.,
Spon & Chamberlain, 1899. 108 p. 8°, cl.,

*Birch, De Burgh, M.D. A class-book of
(elementary) practical physiology, incl.
histology, chemical and experimental physi-
ology. Phil., P. Blakiston's Son & Co.,
1899. 273 p. il. 12°, cl., net, $1.75.
Birch, G: W. F., D.D. Our church and our
village. N. Y., Ward & Drummond, 1899.
4+206 p. por. il. O. cl., $2.

Contents: History of the Claysville Presbyterian
Church; Biographical sketch of Rev. Thomas Hoge;
Reminiscences of Claysville, Pa., and addresses de-
livered in commemoration of the seventy-fifth anni.
versary of the Claysville Presbyterian Church, 1820-
Birrell, Augustine. Seven lectures on the
law and history of copyright in books.
N. Y., G: P. Putnam's Sons, 1899. 5-228 p.
D. cl., net, $1.25.

Contents: Introductory; The origin of copyright; The Stationers' Company and the first copyright statute; The battle of the booksellers for perpetual Copyright; Legislative enactments since Queen Anne; Literary larceny: The present situation. *Birrell, Augustine. Sir Frank Lockwood: a biographical sketch. N. Y., imported by C: Scribner's Sons, 1899. 226 p. 12°, cl., $4.20.

Birt, Archibald. Castle Czvargas: a romance: being a plain story of the romantic adventures of two brothers told by the younger of them, and ed., by Archibald Birt. N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co., 1899. 8+298 p. D. cl., $1.25.

A story of the seventeenth century. The excep tional skill of the brothers in wrestling, swimming, and Swordsmanship adds interest to the tale. The scene is laid in Somersetshire.

Bishop, Seth Scott, M.D. Diseases of the ear,
nose, and throat, and their accessory cavi-
ties. 2d ed. thoroughly rev. and enl. Phil.,
The F. A. Davis Co., 1898. C. 19+554 p.
O. cl., net, $4; hf. rus., net, $5.
*Bispham, G: Tucker. The principles of
equity; a treatise on the system of justice
administered in courts of chancery.

Black, Alex. Modern daughters: conversations with various American girls and one man; with designs and photographic il. by the author. N. Y., C: Scribner's Sons, 1899. c. 6+212 p. O. cl., $2.50.

A running thread of happy text connects a series of photographs of American girls which, Mr. Black says, "permit my camera to save my pen the impossible task of describing the beauty of the American girl." The types thus described are: a débutante, a leftover girl, a gym girl, a heroine, a club woman, a cynic, a chaperone, an engaged girl, a bride, and there is also what all these types unite in calling "a nice young man."

*Black, Norman Fergus. First reader; for use during the first school year. N. Y., The Macmillan Co., 1899. 8+41 p. il. sq. 12°, cl., net, 30 c.

*Blackall, Rob. H. Air-brake catechism; for firemen, engineers, air-brake instructors, shop men, and all branches of railroad men. N. Y., Norman W. Henley & Co., 1899. 240 p. il. 12°, cl., $1.50.

Blackburn, Vernon. The fringe of an art: appreciations in music. N. Y., M. F. Mansfield & A. Wessels, [1899.] 8+175 p. por. sq. D. cl., net, $1.75.

Contents: Prologue; Modernity in music; "A century dead"; Arrigo Boito; A journalist on tour; A great contemporary; The "grand traité"; Calvé; A popular singer; Rossini; M. Maurel and his school; Il Don Giovanni; Plain song; "Otello"; The manners of music; Humour in music; Tschaikowsky; Parsifal": A mere glimpse; Mozart at Munich; Epilogue; "Vanitas vanitatum." Blackburne, J. H. Mr. Blackburne's games at chess; sel., annot., and arr. by himself; ed., with a biographical sketch and a brief history of blindfold chess, by P. Anderson Graham. N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co., 1899. 5+331 p. por. O. cl., $2.50. *Blackman, W: Fremont. The making of Hawaii: a study in social evolution. N. Y., The Macmillan Co., 1899. 12+266 p. 8°, cl., $2.

*Blackmar, Frank Wilson. The story of human progress. Topeka, Kan., Crane & Co., 1899. 375 p. 12°, cl., $1.

*Blackstone, W. E. Jesus is coming. New rev. ed. N. Y. and Chic., Fleming H. Revell Co., 1899. 180 p. 16°, cl., net, 25 c.; pap.,

15 c.

Blackstone, Sir W: Commentaries on the
laws of England, together with a copious
analysis of the contents and notes with
references to Eng. and Am. decisions and
statutes which illustrate or change the law
of the text; also a full table of abbrevia-
tions, and some considerations regarding
the study of the law, by T: M. Cooley.
4th ed. by Ja. DeWitt Andrews.
cont. bks. 1 and 2. Chic., Callaghan &
Co., 1899. c. 115+530 p. por. O. shp.,

V. 1

*Blaine, G. R. Quick and easy methods of calculating: a simple explanation of the slide rule, logs, etc.; with examples worked

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out. N. Y., Spon & Chamberlain, 1899. 144 p. 16°, cl., $1. Blaisdell, Albert F. First steps with American and British authors. Rev. and enl. [New issue.] N. Y., American Book Co., [1899.] c. '88, '98, '99. 5+442 p. D. cl., 90 c. Formerly published by Lee & Shepard. *Blaisdell, Etta Austin and Mary Frances. Child life: a first reader. N. Y., The Macmillan Co., 1899. 127 p. il. sq. 12°, bds., net, 25 c.

*Blaisdell, Etta Austin and Mary Frances. Child life in tale and fable: a second reader. N. Y., The Macmillan Co., 1899. 159 p. il. sq. 12°, bds., net, 35 c.

*Blake, E:, M.D. The study of the hand for indications of local and general disease. 2d ed. N. Y., G: P. Putnam's Sons, 1899. 16+135 p. 8°, cl., net, $1.50.

Blake, Paul. Phil and I. N. Y.. T: Nelson & Sons, 1900 [1899.] 5-270 p. il. D. cl., $1. A story for boys, opening in Bredbury, a quaint town on the south coast of England, about the year 1790. Phil is a young French boy who, with his father, escapes the French revolution and comes to live in England. The boy who tells the story is the nephew of the vicar of the parish of Bredbury. The young fellows have many adventures together, both at school and with the press-gang, etc.

*Blake, W: William Blake: seventeen designs to Thornton's "Virgil"; reproduced from the original woodcuts, 1821; with vignettes by Selwyn Image, taken from The Century Guild Hobby Horse, 1884-1892. Portland, Me., T: B. Mosher, 1899. 60 p. 8°, bds., Van Gelder pap., 450 copies, net, $2; 25 copies on Japan vellum, net, $7.50. Blakeney, Rob. A boy in the Peninsular war; the services, adventures, and experiences of Robert Blakeney, subaltern in the 28th Regiment: an autobiography; ed. by Julian Sturgis. Bost., Little, Brown & Co., 1899. 18+282 p. map, O. cl., $4.

The Robert Blakeney of these memoirs was born in Galway in 1789, joined the 28th English Regiment of infantry in 1804, left it in 1828. He died in 1858, in his seventieth year. This volume, which reads like a romance, is a spirited picture of an English soldier's life during the Peninsular war, with the allied armies against Napoleon's generals. Blakeney describes the retreat through Spain to Corunna with Sir John Moore, and a vivid and touching account of that great general's heroic death is given, also a dramatic account of the battle of Barossa, and the siege and storming of Badajoz.

*Blakey, Rob. Angling; or, how to angle and where to go. New ed. rev.; with notes and memoir by "Red Spinner." (W: Senoir); il. by Avery Lewis. N. Y., G: Routledge & Sons, Ltd., 1899. 285 p. 12°, cl., $1.50. *Blanchard, Amy Ella.

Miss Vanity: [a story.] Phil., J. B. Lippincott Co., 1899. 12°, cl., $1.25. Blanchard, Amy Ella. A Revolutionary maid: a story of the middle period of the War of Independence; il. by Ida Waugh. Bost., W. A. Wilde & Co., [1899.] c. 5-321 p. D.

cl., $1.50.

The stirring times in and around New York following the pulling down of the statue of George the Third by the famous "Liberty boys" brings to the surface the patriotism of the young heroine of the story This act of the New York patriots obliged Kitty De Witt to decide whether she would be a Tory or a Revolutionary maid, and a patriot good and true she became. Her many and various experiences are very interestingly pictured, making this a happy companion book to "A girl of "76."


Blanchard, Amy Ella. A sweet little maid; il. by Ada Waugh. Phil., G: W. Jacobs & Co., [1899.] c. 4-215 p. D. cl., $1.

A story for little girls of eight or ten years. Relates to a little girl's fun and frolics. Bland, H: Meade. Studies in entomology. San Francisco, Cal., The Whitaker & Ray Co., 1899. C. 3-98 p. il. O. cl., 75 c.; pap.,

50 c.

A practical work on insects, containing suggestions and outlines for nature study in school-work. Bland, Mrs. Herbert, ["E. Nesbit," pseud.] The secret of Kyriels. [Phil., J. B. Lippincott Co.,] 1899. 3+391 p. D. cl.. $1.25. A silent, unused house, mysterious lights and sounds and vague contradictory rumors from the servants hall early fired the imagination of a delightful child living all alone with a father bent wholly upon genealogical research. Her companion is a young, poetic boy, and later a cousin sent "to find out" the mystery of Kyriels. An old-fashioned story of detective interest and with a most unforeseen solution.

Bland, Mrs. Herbert, ["E. Nesbit," pseud.] The story of the treasure-seekers: being the adventures of the Bastable children in search of a fortune; il. by Gordon Rrowne and L: Baumer. N. Y., F: A. Stokes Co., [1899.] c. 6+296 p. il. D. cl., $1.50.

The six Bastable children had lost their mother and their home grew more and more poverty-stricken in ap pearance Their father's business certainly did not flourish, so they determined they would help him in some way They hold a meeting and each resolves to seek for treasure. They literally dig for treasure and try other funny ways to replenish the treasury, but without success, a rich old uncle from India coming at last to their rescue.

Blatchford, Rob., [" Nunquam," pseud.] Socialism: a reply to the Pope's Encyclical. N. Y., International Publishing Co., 1899. 36 p. D. (International lib., v. 1, no. 1.) pap., 5 c.

*Bliss, F: Jones. Excavations at Jerusalem; il. by Archibald C. Dickie. N. Y., New Amsterdam Book Co., 1899. 374 p. 8°, cl., net, $4.

Bloch, I. S. The future of war in its technical, economic, and political relations. Is war now impossible?; tr. by R. C. Long, and with a prefatory conversation with the author, by W. T. Stead. N. Y., Doubleday & McClure Co., 1899. C. 79+390 p. O. cl., $2.

Blok, Petrus Johannes. History of the people of the Netherlands. In 4 pts. Pt. 2, From the beginning of the fifteenth century to 1559; tr. by Ruth Putnam. N. Y., G: P. Putnam's Sons, 1899. c. 6+420 p. O. cl., $2.50.

The first volume was entered in "Annual Catalogue," 1898. In it were included six chapters of Part 11. of the original, bringing the matter down to the close of the fourteenth century. The present volume covers the gradual expansion of the Burgundian sovereignty and of the establishment of the central gov ernment with a new system. Social and economic conditions are treated with greater fulness than his toric events. The dynastic conditions are so complicated that a genealogical table based on the tables lation. The author has approved all changes from the

of Hereford B. George has been added to the trans


Bloomingdale, C:, jr., ["Karl," pseud.] Mr., Miss, and Mrs. Phil., J. B. Lippincott Co., 1899. c. 3-271 p. D. cl., $1.25.

A number of short stories on events in every-day life.

Blow, Susan E. Letters to a mother on the philosophy of Froebel. N. Y., Appleton, 1899. c. 18+311 p. D. (International education ser.. no. 45.) cl., $1.50.

The philosophy of Froebel is here explained in


guage addressed to the general public. The author takes up the most important doctrines one after the other as they were developed in the Mutter und Kose Lieder, and shows their equivalents in the different systems of thought that prevail. In some cases these systems are in harmony with Froebel, and in other cases there is profound disagreement.

Blum, Edgar C. Satan's realm. N. Y. and Chic., Rand, McNally & Co., 1899. C. 2309 p. D. cl., $1.25.

A satirical story which pictures the punishments Satan imposed upon an erring American reporter. Led by ambition to pursue his literary labors in new fields, Edward Champlain eventually goes to a cannibal island, where he is, while fulfilling his duties, killed and eaten by natives. The reportorial instinct, however, survives the death of the hero, and he continues to report the news of the heavenly region, to which his soul is supposed to have been transported, until he is, like Lucifer, expelled to the realm of darkness, where he has the experiences so graphically described. Bo-Peep a treasury for the little ones. Y., Cassell & Co., Ltd., [1899.] 2+182 il. sq. O. cl., $1.50; bds., $1.



Stories and verses by popular authors, illustrated in colors, and in black and white.

Boardman, G: Dana, D.D. The kingdom (Basilea): an exegetical study. N. Y., C: Scribner's Sons, 1899. c. 8+348 p. O. cl., $2.

A study of the phrase "the kingdom of God," which appears so often in the New Testament. The aim of

the author is to rescue this formula from radical mis

conceptions, to define its nature, to state its laws, to describe its methods, to unfold its symbols, to set forth its issue.

Boardman, G: Nye. A history of New England theology. N. Y., A. D. F. Randolph & Co., 1899. C. 2+314 p. D. cl., $1.50. The term New England theology designates a system of theology developed in America between the years 1730 and 1830. The initial purpose was resistance to influences which it was feared were leading orthodox believers away from the truths of the Gospel. The present work had its origin in a series of lectures prepared for an elective course in Chicago Theological Seminary, in which institution the author is a professor. The aim is to trace the development of the "New Divinity," formerly so called, through the century 1730-1830.

*Boccaccio, Giovanni. Tales from Boccaccio; done into English by Jos. Jacobs; il. by Byam Shaw, N. Y., Truslove, Hanson & Comba, 1899. 12°, cl., $3.

Boggs, Martha Frye. Jack Crews. N. Y., G: W. Dillingham Co., 1899. C. 3-273 p. D. cl., $1.50.

A story of railroad life in the mountains of the Rockies. The dangers from outlaws who practice horsestealing, counterfeiting, holding up trains, and do not stop at murder, make the tale exciting. Jack Crews is a railroad hand who brings several criminals to justice. *Boileau-Despréaux, N: L'art poétique; ed., with introd. and notes, by D. Nichol Smith. N. Y., The Macmillan Co., 1899. 22+104 p. 16°, (Pitt Press ser.) cl., net, 60 c. Boissier, Gaston. Roman Africa: archæological walks in Algeria and Tunis; authorized English version, by Arabella Ward. N. Y., G: P. Putnam's Sons, 1899. 13+ 344 p. maps. D. cl., $1.75.


That part of Africa which came under the direct domination of Rome is the subject of the present vol. ume. The author transports the reader to Carthage, whence, at will, he may wander across the great stretch of surrounding country, visit the smaller cities and towns, and study, in the light of their past history, their inhabitants, their customs, their language and literature, their mode of living, their government, and the ruins of their ancient monuments, many of which are still standing.

Bok, E: W:
Successward: a young man's
book for young men. 6th ed. [New issue.]
N. Y., Doubleday & McClure Co., 1899.



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'95. 8+182 p. S. (Ladies' Home Journal practical lib., no. 2.) limp cl., 50 c.

Originally published by Fleming H. Revell Co. See Annual Catalogue," 1895.

*Bolton, Mrs. Ethel Stanwood. A history of the Stanwood family in America. [Brookline, Mass., for sale by the author, Mrs. E. S. Bolton,] 1899. 317 p. il. sq. O. cl., $5. *Bonar, Horatius, D.D. God's way of peace: a book for the anxious. New ed. N. Y. and Chic., Revell, 1900. 200 p. 16°, cl., net, 30 c.; pap., 15 c.

Bond, Dan. Uncle Sam in business. Chic., C: H. Kerr & Co., [1899.] c. 64 p. sq. D. (Unity lib., no. 92.) pap., 10 c.

Claims to have been written by an old soldier of the republic, who feared its destruction. It is dated 1920, and advocates free silver, government management of the railroads, telegraphs, etc., opposition to trusts and so on, showing how the adoption of these measures did finally stem the curruption and poverty of the present. Bond, Francis. English cathedrals, illustrated. Phil., J. B. Lippincott Co., 1899. 15+314 p. il. D. cl., $2.

Studies of the leading English cathedrals; they are chronologically arranged, and will be found most useful aids in the study of ecclesiastical architecture as well as in learning their history. The papers are very fully illustrated from photographs.

Bonehill, Captain Ralph, [pseud. for E: Stratemeyer.] Off for Hawaii; or, the mystery of a great volcano. N. Y., The Mershon Co., [1899.] c. 6+248 p. il. D. (Flag of freedom ser., no. 3.) cl., $1.

[ocr errors]

The same boy heroes who figured in When Santiago fell" and "A sailor boy with Dewey" are again met with in this story. The scene is Hawaii, of which a very careful description is given.

Bonehill, Captain Ralph, [pseud. for E: Stratemeyer.] A sailor boy with Dewey; or, afloat in the Philippines. N. Y., The Mershon Co., [1899.] c. 6+250 p. 1 il. D. (Flag of freedom ser., no. 2.) cl., $1.

While a complete story in itself, this forms the second volume of the Flag of freedom series. In writing the tale of adventure, the author has desired to make known to our boys the strange sights and scenes far east. The hero is a boy of sixteen, the son of a which come to light daily in our new possessions in the rich merchant of San Francisco. He takes a pleasure and is involved in the Spanish war. trip to Hong Kong and the Philippines, meets Dewey

Bonehill, Captain Ralph, [pseud. for E: Stratemeyer.] When Santiago fell; or, the war adventures of two chums. N. Y., The Mershon Co., [1899.] c. 6+280 p. il. D. (Flag of freedom ser., no. 1.) cl., $1. "When Santiago fell," while a complete story in itself, forms the first volume of the Flag of Freedom Series for boys. The time covered is the last year of the Cuban-Spanish war and our own campaign leading up to the fall of Santiago.

Bonney, T: G: Volcanoes, their structure and significance. N. Y., G: P. Putnam's Sons, 1899. C. 14+317 p. il. map, O. (Science ser., no. 5.) cl., $2.

The author has endeavored to lead the reader through descriptions of the varied phenomena of vol canic action, in the present and in the past, toward ascertaining by inference the cause or causes of eruptions. The book opens with an account of "a living volcano," instances being given which explain it at every stage from birth to death. Then after some preliminary explanations of certain technicalities he points out what may be the discovery in this method of study. In the last chapter he sums up the results to which his investigations have pointed and presents the conclusions to which they lead.

Bonsal, Stephen. The fight for Santiago: the story of the soldier in the Cuban campaign from Tampa to the surrender. N.


Y., Doubleday & McClure Co., 1899. 28+543 p. O. cl., $2.50.


Contents: How the war began; The first fight on Cuban soil; How the army grew; The army at sea; The skirmish at La Guasima; The fight; The day of battle; The night after San Juan; The crisis; Under the Mango trees; Scenes of the siege; The surrender; On the home trail. There are twenty-four appendices containing among other things: General Shafter's instructions; Extracts from Secretary Alger's report on the campaign; Extracts from Surgeon-General's report; The work of the engineers during the campaign; The conduct of the 71st N. Y.; Terms of the capitulation, etc.

Books I have read. N. Y., Dodd, Mead & Co., 1899. c. '89, '99. 6+223 p. D. cl., $1. A bound blank-book, in which a reader may record the title of a book, the name of author and publisher, date of reading, subject, references to marked passages, and comments pertaining to each book. Provision is also made for an alphabetical index of the books read. Such a book, conscientiously filled, will be of great future interest to the reader, and a great aid to finding books and quotations that have helped educate the reader.

Bookwalter, J: W. Siberia and Central Asia; il. from photographs taken by the author. 2d ed. N. Y., F: A. Stokes Co., [1899.] c. 41+548 p. map, O. cl., $4.

This book is the result of a trip through Siberia and Central Asia made by the author during the summer and autumn of last year. It consists mostly of letters written by him while on the journey, which were published by several western newspapers. The book was first printed for private circulation, but at the request

of many it has been offered to the general public.

Mr. Bookwalter is a successful business man and a great manufacturer, his observations being eminently practical. His work is a valuable contribution to the literature on the Eastern question.

Booth, Mrs. Eliza M. J. Gollan, ["Rita," pseud., now Mrs. Humphreys.] Good Mrs. Hypocrite: a study in self-righteousness. N. Y., F. M. Buckles & Co., 1899. C. 2284 p. D. cl., $1.

The central figure is a middle-aged Scotch woman unbeautiful of face and ungainly of form, whose life has been devoted to so-called Christian work. She is hard, selfish, and cruel, seeking only her own comfort and self-aggrandizement. She becomes housekeeper for her invalid brother, and makes his life miserable. Her hypocrisy and innate wickedness are ruthlessly laid bare by the narrative.

*Booth, H: Matthias, M.D. The man and his message: addresses. N. Y. and Chic., Fleming H. Revell Co., 1899. 163 p. 16°, cl., 75 c.

Booth, Mrs. Maud Ballington. Sleepy-time stories; with introd. by Chauncey M. Depew; il. by Maud Humphrey. N. Y., G: P. Putnam's Sons, 1899. C. 8+177 p. O. cl., $1.50.

Eight little stories for very small children, charmingly illustrated.

Boothby, Guy. Dr. Nikola's experiment. N. Y., Appleton, 1899. C. 2+308 p. D. (Appleton's town and country lib., no. 269.) cl., $1; pap., 50 c.

Dr. Nikola, the cold-blooded, unscrupulous scientist, is already known to Mr. Boothby's readers through "Dr. Nikola" and "The lust of hate." He aims in this

novel to restore to youth a feeble old man of ninetyeight. The secret of the process he has stolen from a monastery in central Thibet, and is followed through Europe in consequence by a horrible-looking Chinaman commissioned to kill him. The experiment is pursued in a lonely, deserted castle, and has many revolting details.

Boothby, Guy. Love made manifest. Chic., H. S. Stone & Co., 1899. c. 2+330 p. il. D. cl., $1.25.

Story opens in the European settlement of Apia in the Samoan Islands. The hero and heroine leave these regions; one intending to be maid-of-honor to the queen, the other to become an author and painter. Their experiences make the story.

[blocks in formation]

Boothby, Guy. Pharos the Egyptian: a romance. N. Y., Appleton, 1899. c. '98, '99. 2+328 p. D. (Appleton's town and country lib., no. 261.) cl., $1; pap., 50 c.

"The hero was the chief magician at Pharaoh's court in the time of Moses, and is occupied as the story opens in recovering his own mummy. As he is attended throughout by an English artist and Valerie de Voexqal, the finest violinist in Europe, and does practically what he likes by way of murder, mesmeric influence, and reading the future, it may be conceived that the results of the concatenation is a good deal of adventure."-The Athenaum.

*Borgmeyer, C: L., ed. American corporation legal manual: a compilation of the essential features of the statutory law regulating the formation, management, and dissolution of general business corporations in America, [etc.;] patent, trade-mark, and copyright laws of the world, [etc.] V. 7, 1899, [to Jan. 1, 1899.] Plainfield, N. J., The Corporation Legal Manual Co., 1899. 8+1238+33 p. O. shp., $4.50.


*Borrow, G: The Bible in Spain; or, journeys, adventures, and imprisonments of an Englishman in an attempt to circulate the Scriptures in the Peninsula. New 1 v. ed., with notes and glossary of Ralph Ulick Burke. N. Y., Scribner, [imported,] 1899. 838 p. il. 12°, cl., $2.40.

*Bosanquet, Bernard. The philosophical theory of the state. N. Y., The Macmillan Co., 1899. 18+342 p. 8°, cl., net, $3.25. *Bosqui, Francis L. Practical notes on the cyanide process. N. Y., The Scientific Publishing Co., 1899. 201 p. il. 8°, cl., $2.50.

Boss, Clara Pearce. After life, and other poems. Bost.. [Little, Brown & Co., 1899.] 93 p. por. O. cl., net, $1.25.

Bossuet, Jacques Bénigne, (Bp.) Devotion to the Blessed Virgin; being the substance of all the sermons for Mary's feasts throughout the year; condensed, arranged, and tr. by F. M. Capes; with introd. by the Rev. W: T. Gordon. N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co., 1899. 12+150 p. D. cl., $1.

*Botsford, G: Willis. A history of Greece for high schools and academies. N. Y., The Macmillan Co., 1899. 13+381 p. il. maps, 8°, hf. leath., net, $1.10.

*Bouchot, Henri. Catherine de Medicis. French text ed. N. Y., Jean Boussod. Manzi, Joyant & Co., 1899. il. 4°, vellum, $20; or bound in mor. or cf., net, $32.50; Japan pap., $50; or bound in full polished levant, net, $75.

*Boudinot, Elias. Journal; or, historical recollections of American events during the Revolutionary war, by Elias Boudinot, President of the Continental Congress, Commissary-General of prisoners during the Revolutionary war; copied from his own original manuscript. Trenton, N. J., C. L. Traver, 1899. 97 p. 8°, pap., net, $2. [Ed. limited to 290 copies.]

Bougaud, Emile, (Bp.) History of St. Vincent de Paul, founder of the Congregation of the Mission (Vincentians) and of the Sisters of Charity; from the 2d French ed., by Rev. Jos. Brady; with an introd. by the Cardinal Archbishop of Westminister. N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co., 1899. 2 v., 17+338; 7+276 p. pors. O. cl., $6.

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