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[blocks in formation]

No. 64, A., to provide for abstract of tax sales in Portage county, 78

80 174 181 182 193 247.

255, A., to authorize the treasurer of Shawano county to keep
an abstract of tax sales.....

262 264 340

287, A., authorizing clerk of Door county to keep abstract of
tax sales
725 728 824

545, A., to require clerk of hoard in St. Croix county to keep
abstract of tax deeds ....325 328 336 355 369 886 478

[ocr errors]


No. 6, S., to abolish probate fees 14 62 72 7% 84 88 151 187 208

[blocks in formation]

No. 446, A., requiring owners of threshing machines to guard


No. 81, S,


644 646 680 753

relating to commencing civil actions 84 108 112 128 132 139 145 364 417 460 512.

94, A., for recovery of real property 324 328 426 433 434 482 534 641, A., to simplify for the recovery of real property 678 754 761


[blocks in formation]

No. 156, S., for relief of Fond du Lac County Society 212 292 310 337

342 639 666 700 727 793.

170, S, for relief of Walworth County Society 229 281 303 327

344 431.

79, S., Incorporating Waupaca Agricultural Association 75 138

168 170 200 205 458 491 535 559 612.

694, A., for relief of Adams County Society 636 642 705,756 760 847.




2, S., sections 6, 7 and 8, chapter 120
3, S., section 205, chapter 220

14 45 47 48

14 45 47 48

31, S., section 49, chapter 13, of counties and county officers,

36 393 398 400 414 419.

54, S., section 20, chapter 141, of actions for the recovery of
real property, 49 186 194 196 233 264 458 491 535 559
612 625.

72, S., section 205, chapter 120, of justices' courts, 67 108 131 154
75, S., chap er 120, of justices' courts, 458 465 528 555 565 576


87, S., section 1, chapter 74, ct Free Masons and Odd Fellows, 90 137 168 170 200 205 364 417 460 012.

95, S., chapter 184, of inquests of the dead, 104 276 288 308 337 342 639 710 752 772 793.

AMENDMENTS-Revised Statutes-(continued)


No. 128, S., sections 65 and 78, chapter 15 of towas and town offi 156 276 288 309 337 341 799 137, S., section 8, chapter 137, of evidence, 180 183 276 289 308 143, S., section 6, chapter 43, of strays and lost moneys, 184 257 287 298 314 316 732.

146, S., section 31, chapter 134, of executions, 198 235 287 298 314 316 459 430 534 560 612

179, S., section 6, chapter 171, of offenses against health, 255 468

500 522.

198, S., chapter 14, of resignations, vacancies, etc., 272 426 432 434 467 480 777 804 811 830 856.


238, S., section 8, chapter 137, of evidence
347 439 476 512
241, S., section 19, chapter 120, of justices' courts, 347 468 501
522 529 538 799 833 838 845 856.

3, A., sections 6, 8 and 9, chapter 12, of justices' courts, 203 204
704 755 760 846.

39, A., section 27, chapter 15, of towns and town officers, 202 204 235 287 298 305 364.

58, A., chapter 171, of jurisdiction of justices in criminal cases, 280 283 426 433 434 482 534.

83, A., section 1, chapter 158, of liens of mechanics, 124 125 162 186 195 196 207 263.

108, A., section 20, chapter 133, of costs and fees, 189 191 203 525 547 597 625.

section 21, chapter 103, of partition of estates, 152 153 276 288 299.

245. A, chapter 117, of county courts, 202 204 235 287 298 306 341.

345, A., section 13, chapter 64, of limited partnerships, 339 341 393 399 400 424 494.

501, A., section 1, chapter 94, of sale of lands by executors,


514 515 517 588 593 602 575, A., section 20, chapter 99, of administration of estates of 457 465 469 501 522 545 609 738, A., section 20, chapter 7, of general and special elections, 798


[blocks in formation]

No. 425, A., to incorporate city of Milwaukee....

[blocks in formation]


No. 215, S., amending charter of Milwaukee Mechanics' Mutual Insurance Company. 313 470 501 511 540 590 600 678 754 758 762 763 805 833 838 846.

460, A., ameading act incorporating same, 464 465 485 511 539 593 617 777 825.

746, A., relating to Madison and Portage Railroad, 637 642 723 724 777 847.

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