GB/T 41525-2022 Translated English of Chinese Standard (GB/T 41525-2022, GBT41525-2022): Determination of migratable chromium(Ⅵ) in toy materials - Ion chromatography [Buy--download True-PDF in 3-second: > Sign in > This BOOK > "3-dots" > Export > Save as "*.pdf"]This Document describes the use of ion chromatography to determine the migratable chromium (VI) in toy materials. This Document is applicable to the achievable toy materials: --- Category-1: dry, brittle, powdery or pliable toy materials; --- Category-2: liquid or sticky toy materials; --- Category-3: scratchable toy materials. |
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1,5-Diphenylcarbazide 1000mL volumetric flask 1mL of Cr 1mL of solution Accurately pipette 1mL additionally titrate adjust the pH ammonia solution 5.5 ammonia water 5.3 ammonium chloride solution analysis Anion exchange column CAS number Category-1 Category-2 Chen chloride solution 5.6 chromatographic conditions concentration of Cr constant volume Cr Ⅵ detector dilute Diode Array DAD Document external standard method Guangzhou Instrument conditions Ion Chromatography laboratory Light Industry Council liquid or sticky mass fraction Methanol mg/kg Migratable Chromium migratable Cr migration solution mobile phase nitric acid on-instrument test mass parameters pH value pliable toy materials Post-column derivatization agent Potassium dichromate powdery or pliable quantification limit Reagents sample scratchable toy materials Shenzhen solid materials solution contains specified in GB/T specimen solution standard curve Standard Solution Retention standard stock solution standard working solutions sticky toy material sulfuric acid test mass concentration test results Time/s Figure titrate ammonia water UV-Vis volume of migration water specified µg/L